Global energy demand is rising and so are consumer expectations – more people want energy from cleaner sources. At Shell we are unlocking new energy sources and squeezing more from what we have. Together with others we are finding ways to lower our emissions and helping customers to do the same. In building a better energy future we all have a part to play – let’s go. Energy is vital to our daily lives. It helps us produce food, fuel transport and power communication channels across the world. Over the coming decades, more people will gain access to energy and enjoy higher standards of living. But these developments could place greater pressure on our world’s resources, such as energy, fresh water and food. At the same time, climate change remains a serious concern. At Shell, we use human ingenuity, innovation and technology to unlock the energy our customers need to power their lives in the years ahead, while aiming to limit our impact on the environment.
To help think about the future of energy, we have developed two scenarios that describe alternative ways it may develop. In the first scenario – called Scramble – policymakers pay little attention to more efficient energy use until supplies are tight. Likewise, greenhouse gas emissions are not seriously addressed until there are major climate shocks. In the second scenario – Blueprints – growing local actions begin to address the challenges of economic development, energy security and environmental pollution. A price is applied to a critical mass of emissions giving a huge stimulus to the development of clean energy technologies, such as carbon dioxide capture and storage, and energy efficiency measures. The result is far lower carbon dioxide emissions. We are determined to provide energy in responsible ways and serve our customers and investors as effectively as we can.
Both these scenarios help us do that by testing our strategy against a range of possible developments over the long-term. However, in our view, the Blueprints’ outcomes offer the best hope for a sustainable future, whether or not they arise exactly in the way we describe. I am convinced they are possible with the right combination of policy, technology and commitment from governments, industry and society globally. But achieving them will not be easy, and time is short. We urgently need clear thinking, huge investment, and effective leadership. Whatever your role in this, I hope these scenarios will help you understand better the choices you fac By 2050, the world’s population will reach 9 billion. This video touches on the demands this will put on our energy resources and innovative solutions to these future energy issues.